Milan, lì 10/02/2020
We would like to inform you that the personal data that you provide to us will be processed both with automated and non-automated tools in compliance with what is provided for, also in terms of data security, by EU Regulation 679/2016 for the purpose of carrying out the tasks entrusted to us, as specified in the contract currently in force and/or for the purpose of providing the information requested by you and/or to comply with specific legal obligations on the part of the data controller.
The provision of data is optional, however your refusal to provide it will prevent us from continuing with the execution of the current contract or from fulfilling your specific requests. Specifically, your data is related to our specific activity of “” and is related to the normal relations with current customers/suppliers or potential ones; there will be no massive marketing activity except with a specific and dedicated consent.
The storage of data (which anyway and in no circumstance can be carried out for more than 10 years from the last processing/updating) is related to the existence of a supply of goods/services, to legal obligations or to specific processing needs of which you are part. It is your right to request the cancellation of data when the same right is not in conflict with legal obligations. Your data will be communicated to the persons in charge of the undersigned company for the performance of the tasks entrusted to us, to banks or credit institutions for the processing and collection of duties, to public institutions or bodies in relation to the tasks entrusted to us and to legal/regulatory obligations, to control bodies and law enforcement entities if requested, to any third parties only for the performance of the tasks entrusted to us. You have the right to obtain from the data controller the cancellation, limitation, updating, portability, opposition to the processing of personal data concerning you as well as in general or according to the rights provided for in articles 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 of EU Reg. 679/2016 The transfer of your data abroad by the undersigned is not envisaged, however any third parties involved in the processing may avail themselves of this possibility.
Data Controller:
Acheloís – Professional Congress Organiser
Via Olgettina 58 – 20132 Milano – Italy
Tel. +39 02 2643 6227 – Fax +39 02 2643 3754
ACHELOÍS – Professional Congress Organiser |
Data protection contact person: Elena Del Boca
The consent for my data to be processed by the undersigned for the purpose of executing a contract in place or to be developed in the manner indicated in the above information or to fulfil specific requests. is NOT REQUIRED because, pursuant to art. 6 paragraph 1 letter b, the processing is considered lawful. A revocation or a non granting of consent implies the impossibility to continue the relationship.
As required by art. 14 of EU Reg. 679/2016, I declare that I will provide a copy of this information to the subjects whose personal data I will communicate to you (including the sensitive data now described in art.9) collected by me for the exclusive purpose of enabling the execution of the contract of which I am party to.
Optional consents I consent to the undersigned using, within its own organisation, my personal data for information, commercial and marketing purposes after and/or outside the current contract. Such communications may also be made with the help of multimedia tools such as e-mail, SMS or MMS. If the consent is denied, there will be no consequences for any ongoing contracts.
This consent is expressed by filling in the appropriate box/choosing the relevant item from the drop-down menu. Failure to do that will be understood as a denied consent.